Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Choose Your Voice

There are many voices, thoughts, ideas, concepts, and views that are constantly clamoring for our attention. Perhaps it feels as if there are so many, that we simply slip into one or several of them and choose not to think or speak for ourselves.

Admittedly, that is definitely the easy way out. Why exert any effort to make a name for yourself? Why try to fight the machine? Just sit back and conform to the patterns around you, and everything will be fine. Right?

No. Absolutely not. We do not exist for mechanical uniformity. Each and every one of us has a voice, and we have a right to use it. Before we get carried away with my thought process, let's make one thing clear: making your voice heard can be a wonderful thing, but I would strongly advise doing so in a manner that is both intelligent and respectful. Otherwise, you will come across as incompetent, belligerent, shallow, or a combination of the three.

One of my favorite bands is We Came As Romans, whom I have blogged about before. The chorus of one of their songs contains lyrics that are as follow:
No one is born the king of silence / So choose your voice / Just speak up, don't back down / Don't wear that crown / Let your voice scream out / Don't let it hold you down / Be true to who you are
As a whole, 'The King of Silence' talks about how the world is full of selfishness and may not always be with you, but those are not excuses for us to take a backseat and not take a stand. Sometimes, we need to be the voice in the wilderness. Sometimes, in the midst of all that is wrong or uncomfortable, we need to be the ones to speak out against the dismal status quo. Sometimes, we need to put our fear behind us and power forward to a better set of circumstances.

I am not for a second saying that making your voice heard is easy, because for some, it just is not natural to take on that role. But we need to overcome that fear. You and I each have a voice that is meant to be heard. Again, we must do so responsibly, but it is within our power to speak up and be true to who we are. This is especially true when it comes to being in situations in which something is morally wrong. Never compromise your character: don't be the king (or queen) of silence. Speak up with excellence and care, and do not settle for mediocrity or complacency.

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