Monday, March 18, 2013


Where in the world did spring break go!?!? It is truly amazing how fast that week can (and did) go by without noticing it. I suppose it was not all a blur, but wow. I am very thankful for the time I got spend with my family and friends. I even got a little homework done, but only what I absolutely needed to do; after all, it was spring break, meaning I had the right to be a little lazy...right? Of course! One of my favorite moments was right at beginning of break when I made a surprise visit to a friend of mine at work near the end of her shift. It was definitely a surprise, and it was simply great to visit and catch up. While it was a late night, it was totally worth it. There is nothing quite like the company of great friends, especially when they least expect it.

In this past week, certain thoughts had come to the forefront of my mind and decided to re-introduce a mental struggle of sorts. Generally, I tend to go a little crazy when there is a lot on my plate and simply do nothing because I cannot decided what to do first because everything seems to be equally trying to gain my attention. In regards to this past week, a particular circumstance (which, truth be told, was rather trivial) was just owning my thoughts and keeping me from being myself. I did not have a good reason to let this particular issue control my actions, but alas, that is exactly what happened. When you let some of the smaller things in this life overpower that which is more important, you will quickly find that you will not be as satisfied or content as you really should.

Somewhere in the middle of that mental battle, however, I was having a conversation with my Dad when he said something that I will not soon easily forget: "You cannot change the way things happen, but you can control how you react to them." Unfortunately, I forget the overall context of the conversation (but I do know it had nothing to do with that which I had been struggling), but that is besides the point. What my Dad said hit me right between the eyes; not only was this applicable to my current situation, but it is applicable to daily life in general. This life principle is truly a gem, and it is another reason why I cannot express how grateful I am for my Dad.

Life will constantly throw a myriad of circumstances our way, good and bad, and we will ultimately have little to no control over how those things come to pass. However, the way we choose to handle those circumstances can make all the difference in our lives. We can choose to wallow in a state of misery or perpetually complain about the undesirable situations. But will that get us anywhere? More than likely, no, it will not. The desirable experiences of this life are always easy to live out, but it tends to be the undesirable experiences that reveal our true colors. If we can be mature enough, strong enough, and faithful enough to react to any and all circumstances with a heart of purity and the desire to grow into the people God calls us to become, imagine how different the world could be.

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